St Peter’s Latner building extension

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Client: St Peter’s College, Oxford
Location: Oxford, UK

The proposals for the extension to the Latner Building aim to establish a strong formal relationship between it and its neighbours.

Both the site analysis and client brief highlight the desirability of retaining the sculpturally modelled bays of the existing building whilst addressing the weaker points of massing and termination. The approach therefore is one of creative demolition; the strong central core of the existing Latner Building is isolated, and individual new components built around and on top of it.

The architectural language of the existing designs respond overtly to the classical composition of the adjacent Linton House. However the building suffers from a lack of height within the context of the quad as a whole.

The design proposals place a loggia on the roof that terminates the building with a flourish, engages with the quad and compliments the proportions of its 18th century neighbour. The single storey front portion of the building is demolished and a new extension built linking to the height of the adjacent Linton House thus balancing the street elevation and providing much needed new accommodation for the College.